Health Topics

Facts about Alcohol

Facts about Alcohol

There are many mixed messages out there about alcohol. On the one hand, moderate amounts have been linked to health benefits. On the other, it is addictive and highly toxic — especially when you drink too much. The truth is that the health effects of alcohol vary...

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What is a balanced diet?

What is a balanced diet?

A balanced diet gives your body all the nutrients it needs to function correctly. A balanced diet is a diet that contains a variety of foods in certain quantities and proportions so that the requirement for calories, proteins, minerals, vitamins, and alternative...

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Unilateral Strength Training

Unilateral Strength Training

Unilateral training is where you are only working one limb at a time. In most traditional training movements, we use both limbs concurrently to complete the task at hand. For example, you can perform an alternating dumbbell press whilst one arm in the extended...

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Tri-set Strength Training

Tri-set Strength Training

Tri-sets are doing three exercises back-to-back with no break. During these sets you can either pair exercises that are non-competing, in other words opposing muscle groups, or you can target the same muscle. If you are stuck at a training plateau then tri-sets may be...

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The calf muscle, on the back of the lower leg, is made up of two muscles: THE GASTROCNEMIUS This is the larger calf muscle, forming the bulge visible beneath the skin. The gastrocnemius has two parts or “heads,” which together create its diamond shape. THE SOLEUS This...

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BICEPS FEMORIS – Not to be confused with the bicep muscle in your upper arm!! Its main action is flexion at the knee, but it is also responsible for extending the thigh at the hip and lateral rotation at the hip and knee. SEMITENDINOSUS – Responsible for flexion of...

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Pyramid Training

Pyramid Training

Pyramid training is a group of sets, of identical exercises, that begin with the lightweight and higher reps, escalating to a heavier weight and fewer reps. A full pyramid training is the extended version of this, decreasing the weight after you have reached the peak...

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Time Under Tension

Time Under Tension

Time under tension (TUT) refers to the amount of time a muscle is held under tension or strain during an exercise set. During TUT workouts, you lengthen each phase of the movement to make your sets longer. The idea is that this forces your muscles to work harder and...

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Pre-exhaust Strength Training

Pre-exhaust Strength Training

Pre-exhaust training is a strength training concept which was designed to fully stimulate larger body parts that might otherwise be held back by relatively weaker body parts during multi-joint movements or compound exercises. For example, if you were to do a pressing...

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THE DELTOIDS ‘Delts’ are teardrop shaped and have three parts, anterior, medial and posterior. They control the flexion, abduction and extension of the humerus. ROTATOR CUFF Made up of four muscles (see below) – the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor and...

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